# File: pendulum.py # http://infohost.nmt.edu/tcc/help/pubs/tkinter//canvas.html # Other Reference: # http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Animate_a_pendulum#Python import math from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk from demopanels import MsgPanel, SeeDismissPanel class PendulumDemo(ttk.Frame): def __init__(self, isapp=True, name='pendulumdemo'): ttk.Frame.__init__(self, name=name) self.pack(expand=Y, fill=BOTH) self.master.title('Pendulum Demo') self.isapp = isapp self._create_widgets() def _create_widgets(self): if self.isapp: MsgPanel(self, ["This demonstration shows how Tkinter can be used to carry out animations ", "that are linked to simulations of physical systems. In the left canvas ", "is a graphical representation of the physical system itself, a simple ", "pendulum, and in the right canvas is a graph of the phase space of the ", "system, which is a plot of the angle (relative to the vertical) against ", "the angular velocity. The pendulum bob may be repositioned by clicking ", "and dragging anywhere on the left canvas."]) SeeDismissPanel(self) self._create_demo_panel() def _create_demo_panel(self): demoPanel = ttk.Frame(self, name='demo') demoPanel.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=Y) # variables used by the widgets self.__theta = 45.0 # pendulum angle self.__dtheta = 0.0 # new pendulum angle self.__length = 150 # rod length self.__home = 160 # rod 'attach' position self.__points = [] # coords describing phase motion self.__psw = 320/2 # phase space panel width self.__psh = 200/2 # phase space panel height # tag and colour names for the phase space oval which # is drawn in segments to allow colour variations # (in a dict to avoid building/discarding strings during animation) self.__graph = {0: ('graph0','grey0'), 10: ('graph10','grey10'), 20: ('graph20', 'grey20'), 30: ('graph30','grey30'), 40: ('graph40','grey40'), 50: ('graph50','grey50'), 60: ('graph60','grey60'), 70: ('graph70','grey70'), 80: ('graph80','grey80'), 90: ('graph90','grey90')} # build panels pw = ttk.Panedwindow(demoPanel, orient=HORIZONTAL) pw.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=Y) self.__pen = self._create_pendulum_panel(pw) self.__phase = self._create_phase_panel(pw) self._show_pendulum() # add bindings self._create_bindings() # start animations after slight pause self.after(500, self._repeat) # ===================================================================================== # Animation handler # ===================================================================================== def _repeat(self): self._recompute_angle() # define pendulum position and swing parameters self._show_pendulum() # display pendulum self._show_phase() # display phase space self.after(15, self._repeat) # repeat animation # ===================================================================================== # Bindings and bound methods # ===================================================================================== def _create_bindings(self): # allow user to re-position pendulum with Left Mouse button click self.__pen.bind('<1>', self._change_pendulum) self.__pen.bind('<B1-Motion>', self._change_pendulum) self.__pen.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', lambda e, repeat=True: self._change_pendulum(e, repeat)) # capture window resize and resize phase space panel self.__phase.bind('<Configure>', self._phase_configure) def _change_pendulum(self, evt, repeat=False): # triggered when user clicks in 'Pendulum Simulation' panel # re-positions the pendulum bob and resizes the rod self._show_pendulum(evt.x, evt.y) if repeat: self.after(15, self._repeat) def _phase_configure(self, evt): # triggered when the user resizes the window # resizes the phase space panel width = self.__phase.winfo_width() height = self.__phase.winfo_height() self.__psh = height / 2 self.__psw = width / 2 self.__phase.coords('x_axis', 2, self.__psh, width-2, self.__psh ) self.__phase.coords('y_axis', self.__psw, height-2, self.__psw, 2) self.__phase.coords('label_dtheta', self.__psw-4, 6) self.__phase.coords('label_theta', width-6, self.__psh+4) # ===================================================================================== # Routines to build and control the pendulum # ===================================================================================== def _create_pendulum_panel(self, parent): left = ttk.Labelframe(parent, text="Pendulum Simulation") parent.add(left) # Create the canvas containing the graphical representation of the # simulated system c = Canvas(left, width=320, height=200, background='white', bd=2, relief=SUNKEN, name='pen_canvas') c.create_text(5, 5, anchor='nw', text='Click to Adjust Bob Start Position', state='disabled', disabledfill='grey50') c.create_line(0,25,320,25, tags='plate', fill='grey50', width=2) c.create_oval(155,20,165,30, tags='pivot', fill='grey50') c.create_line(1,1,1,1, tags='rod', fill='black', width=3) c.create_oval(1,1,2,2, tags='bob', fill='yellow', outline='black') c.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=Y) return c def _show_pendulum(self, x=None, y=None): # display the pendulum if (x and y) and (x != self.__home or y != 25): self.__dtheta = 0.0 x2 = x - self.__home y2 = y - 25 self.__length = math.hypot(x2,y2) self.__theta = math.atan2(x2, y2) * 180/math.pi else: angle = math.radians(self.__theta) x = self.__home + self.__length * math.sin(angle) y = 25 + self.__length * math.cos(angle) self.__pen.coords('rod', self.__home, 25, x, y) self.__pen.coords('bob', x-15, y-15, x+15, y+15) def _recompute_angle(self): # core animation routine for a simple rotational # pendulum; recomputes the angle parameters # (the original Tcl file says there is a better # way to do this but it requires a better knowledge # of derivatives) scaling = 3000.0/self.__length/self.__length # first estimate firstDDtheta = -math.sin(math.radians(self.__theta)) * scaling midDtheta = self.__dtheta + firstDDtheta midtheta = self.__theta + (self.__dtheta + midDtheta)/2.0 # second estimate midDDtheta = -math.sin(math.radians(midtheta)) * scaling midDtheta = self.__dtheta + (firstDDtheta + midDDtheta)/2.0 midtheta = self.__theta + (self.__dtheta + midDtheta)/2.0 # first double estimate midDDtheta = -math.sin(math.radians(midtheta)) * scaling lastDtheta = midDtheta + midDDtheta lasttheta = midtheta + (midDtheta + lastDtheta)/2.0 # second double estimate lastDDtheta = -math.sin(math.radians(lasttheta)) * scaling lastDtheta = midDtheta + (midDDtheta + lastDDtheta)/2.0 lasttheta = midtheta + (midDtheta + lastDtheta)/2.0 self.__theta = lasttheta self.__dtheta = lastDtheta # ===================================================================================== # Routines to build and control the phase space # ===================================================================================== def _create_phase_panel(self, parent): right = ttk.Labelframe(parent, text="Phase Space") parent.add(right) # Create the canvas containing the phase space graph; this consists of # a line that gets gradually paler as it ages, which is an effective # visual trick. c = Canvas(right, width=320, height=200, background='white', bd=2, relief=SUNKEN, name='phase_canvas') c.create_line(160,200,160,0, fill='grey75', arrow='last', tags='y_axis') c.create_line(0,100,320,100, fill='grey75', arrow='last', tags='x_axis') for i in range(90, -1, -10): c.create_line(0,0,1,1, smooth='true', tags=self.__graph[i][0], fill=self.__graph[i][1]) c.create_text(0,0, anchor='ne', text='q', font=('Symbol', 8), tags='label_theta') c.create_text(0,0, anchor='ne', text='dq', font=('Symbol', 8), tags='label_dtheta') c.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=Y) return c def _show_phase(self): # Update the phase-space graph according to the current angle and the # rate at which the angle is changing (the first derivative with # respect to time.) self.__points.extend([self.__theta+self.__psw, -20 * self.__dtheta+self.__psh]) end = len(self.__points) if end > 100: # start over self.__points = [] pts = [] for i in range(0,100,10): pts = self.__points[end-i:end-i-12] if len(pts) >= 4: # coords for affected portion of the line self.__phase.coords(self.__graph[i][0], *pts) if __name__ == '__main__': PendulumDemo().mainloop()
Friday, August 31, 2012
Tkinter Pendulum Demo
This code is based on the Tcl pendulum.tcl demo. It presents a simple, rotational, pendulum; sets it in motion and draws the pendulum's phase space. The user can change the position of the pendulum by clicking in the Pendulum Simulation panel.
Tkinter Animation,
Tkinter Canvas,
Tkinter Demos