# File: fileseldlg.py # http://infohost.nmt.edu/tcc/help/pubs/tkinter//dialogs.html#tkFileDialog # http://tkinter.unpythonic.net/wiki/tkFileDialog # # Note: # there are a variety of options for the FileDialog # see above references for more information from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk import tkinter.filedialog as fdlg from demopanels import MsgPanel, SeeDismissPanel class FileSelDlgDemo(ttk.Frame): def __init__(self, isapp=True, name='fileseldlgdemo'): ttk.Frame.__init__(self, name=name) self.pack(expand=Y, fill=BOTH) self.master.title('File Selection Dialog Demo') self.isapp = isapp self._create_widgets() def _create_widgets(self): if self.isapp: MsgPanel(self, ["Enter a file name in the entry box or click on the 'Browse' ", "buttons to select a file name using the file selection dialog."]) SeeDismissPanel(self) self._create_demo_panel() def _create_demo_panel(self): demoPanel = Frame(self) demoPanel.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=Y) for item in ('open', 'save'): frame = ttk.Frame(demoPanel) lbl = ttk.Label(frame, width=20, text='Select a file to {} '.format(item)) ent = ttk.Entry(frame, width=25) btn = ttk.Button(frame, text='Browse...', command=lambda i=item, e=ent: self._file_dialog(i, e)) lbl.pack(side=LEFT) ent.pack(side=LEFT, expand=Y, fill=X) btn.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) frame.pack(fill=X, padx='1c', pady=3) def _file_dialog(self, type, ent): # triggered when the user clicks a 'Browse' button fn = None opts = {'initialfile': ent.get(), 'filetypes': (('Python files', '.py'), ('PNG', '.png'), ('Text files', '.txt'), ('All files', '.*'),)} if type == 'open': opts['title'] = 'Select a file to open...' fn = fdlg.askopenfilename(**opts) else: # this should only return a filename; however, # under windows, selecting a file and hitting # 'Save' gives a warning about replacing an # existing file; although selecting 'Yes' does # not actually cause a 'Save'; the filename # is simply returned opts['title'] = 'Select a file to save...' fn = fdlg.asksaveasfilename(**opts) if fn: ent.delete(0, END) ent.insert(END, fn) if __name__ == '__main__': FileSelDlgDemo().mainloop()
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Saturday, August 25, 2012
Tkinter FileDialog Demo
This code is based on the Tcl filebox.tcl demo. It demonstrates calls to FileDialog.