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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tkinter Icon Buttons Demo

This code is based on the Tcl demo.  The interesting bit was in styling the Checkbuttons. In the original demo both appeared as buttons without the 'checkbox' indicators; one appeared sunken when selected, the other had it's background colour changed.

ttk.Checkbuttons do not have the indicatoron option so how to get rid of the 'checkbox' was a bit of a head scratcher which turned out to have a surprisingly simple solution. By setting the style to TButton (vs TCheckbutton) the 'checkbox' disappears; then, when the checkbutton is selected, the style is set to Toolbutton to get the 'sunken button' appearance.  The buttons  also display a different image depending on their state.

I've modified this code after coming across this post about Toggle buttons by Mark Summerfield.  The method caused some problems when applied to text only buttons. After some fiddling with the code, think I've managed to get it to work ok.

The key change was to give the text button a minimum width. Also, I noticed that there was a minor resize issue when the button styles changed. The TButton had a padding of (1,1) while the Toolbutton had a padding of (4), changing the Toolbutton padding to (5,5) appears to fix the problem.

The revised demo windows now appear as:

And the revised code is shown below.

# File:
# References:

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from demopanels import MsgPanel, SeeDismissPanel

class IconBtnsDemo(Frame):
    def __init__(self, isapp=True, name='iconbtnsdemo'):
        Frame.__init__(self, name=name)
        self.pack(expand=Y, fill=BOTH)
        self.master.title('Icon Buttons Demo')
        self.isapp = isapp
    def _create_widgets(self):
        if self.isapp:
            MsgPanel(self, ["This window shows two ways of using bitmaps or images ",
                            "in ttk.Radiobuttons and ttk.Checkbuttons.\n\n ",
                            "On the left are two radiobuttons, each of which displays ",
                            "a bitmap and an indicator.\n\n",
                            "The checkbuttons display as themed buttons that 'sink' when selected.",
                            "They also display different images for each state."])
    def _create_demo_panel(self):
        demoPanel = Frame(self)
        demoPanel.pack(side=TOP, pady=1, padx=1, expand=False, fill=None)
        # create images
        self.letters = BitmapImage(file="images//letters.xbm")
        self.noletters = BitmapImage(file="images//noletter.xbm")
        self.flagup = BitmapImage(file="images//flagup.xbm")
        self.flagdn = BitmapImage(file="images//flagdown.xbm")

        # create buttons
        rbs = self._rb_panel(demoPanel)
        cbs = self._cb_panel(demoPanel)
        rbs.pack(side=LEFT, expand=True, padx=10, pady=10, fill=BOTH)
        cbs.pack(side=LEFT, expand=True, padx=10, pady=10, fill=BOTH)
    def _rb_panel(self, parent):

        mail = StringVar()

        f = ttk.Frame(parent)
        b1 = ttk.Radiobutton(f, image=self.letters, variable=mail, value='full')
        b2 = ttk.Radiobutton(f, image=self.noletters, variable=mail, value='empty')
        b1.pack(side=TOP, expand=Y)
        b2.pack(side=TOP, expand=Y)
        return f

    def _cb_panel(self, parent):
        # the simple expedient of setting the Checkbutton style
        # to 'TButton' vs 'TCheckbutton' causes the small checkbox
        # to disappear and the Checkbutton images to appear in a
        # properly themed 'button'
        f = ttk.Frame(parent)     
        cb = ttk.Checkbutton(f, style='Demo.TButton', 
                         image=(self.flagdn, 'selected', self.flagup),
                         command=lambda: self._cb_value_changed(cb))
        cb.pack(side=LEFT, expand=False, padx=5, fill=None)
        cb1 = ttk.Checkbutton(f, style='Demo.TButton',
                              image=(self.noletters, 'selected', self.letters),
                              command=lambda: self._cb_value_changed(cb1))
        cb1.pack(side=LEFT, expand=False, padx=5, fill=None)
        # modify the Toolbutton style to center the text and match the padding
        # of a TButton
        ttk.Style().configure('Demo.Toolbutton', anchor='center', padding=(5,5))
        cb2 = ttk.Checkbutton(f, style='Demo.TButton', text='Off', width=-12,
                              onvalue='On', offvalue='Off',
                              command=lambda: self._cb_value_changed(cb2))
        cb2.pack(side=LEFT, expand=False, padx=5, fill=None)
        return f
    def _cb_value_changed(self, cb):
        # if a checkbutton is selected, use the 'Toolbutton' 
        # style to make it appear 'sunken'
        if cb.instate(('selected',)):
            cb['style'] = 'Demo.Toolbutton'
            if cb.cget('text'):
                cb['text'] = cb['offvalue']
            cb['style'] = 'Demo.TButton'
            if cb.cget('text'):
                cb['text'] = cb['onvalue']
if __name__ == '__main__':