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Friday, January 27, 2012

Qt 4.8 Model/View Tutorial - Part 2

The following code was adapted from the Qt Model/View Tutorial - 2.2 Extending the Read Only Example with Roles.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    PyQt4 conversion of Qt Model-View Tutorial
     Extends the Read-Only example with Roles
    The only changes are in the data() method.
last modified: 2012-01-27 jg
from PyQt4.QtGui import (QApplication, QTableView, QFont, QBrush)
from PyQt4.QtCore import (Qt, QAbstractTableModel, QModelIndex, QVariant)

class MyModel(QAbstractTableModel):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):    # initialise base class
        super(MyModel, self).__init__(parent)

    def rowCount(self, index=QModelIndex()):
        return 2

    def columnCount(self, index=QModelIndex()):
        return 3

    def data(self, index, role):
        row = index.row()
        col = index.column()

        if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            if (row == 0 and col == 1): return "<-- left"
            if (row == 1 and col == 1): return "right -->"

            return "Row {0}, Column {1}".format(row + 1,
                                                col + 1)
        elif role == Qt.FontRole:
            if (row == 0 and col == 0):
                bold = QFont()
                return bold
        elif role == Qt.BackgroundRole:
            if (row == 1 and col == 2):
                return QBrush(
        elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
            if(row == 1 and col == 1):
                return Qt.AlignRight + Qt.AlignVCenter
        elif role == Qt.CheckStateRole:
            if (row == 1 and col == 0):
                return Qt.Checked
            return None

# main ========================================================================

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys

    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    tv = QTableView()

    myModel = MyModel()
    tv.setWindowTitle("Format Table with Roles")
